Shape and Tone Contouring Slimming Body Wrap

Shape and Tone Contouring Slimming Body Wrap really gets to work immediately. After being cooped up all winter at home, I was feeling a little body self-conscious and needed something to help shape and contour my stomach area.  This product was the answer to my problems. These all-natural tummy sculpt wraps target problem areas after just one application. It absolutely takes no effort! It's so easy to use, comfortable to wear, extremely discreet, lightweight and no one will ever know I'm wearing it. 

After about 30 minutes the patch starts to heat up and the warming sensation lasted for around an hour, so soothing,  is not an uncomfortable feeling and stop after an hour. I can see some improvement of my stomach looking flatter somewhat over the last few days. My skin appears tighter, smoother and feeling fantastic. I'm even going to try it on my thighs, hips, and buttocks. I hope to be swimsuit ready by at least the end of June.

Click below to get your Shape and Tone Contouring Slimming Body Wrap now: