The ReliefCare Mutlifunction Duel Mode Thermometer

The ReliefCare Mutlifunction Duel Mode Thermometer.

Included is a drawstring bag to keep you thermometer in, a nice little thank you magnet from the company, and instructions in English and Spanish. The company also included two triple A batteries in the thermometer, just pull the tab to activate.

There are two ways of taking your thermometer, first is to forehead, all you do is hit the power button right here and you will hear a beep. You'll see the three dashes appear, then you place the thermometer in the middle of your forehead, above the eyebrows. Next, press the measurement button and it shows your temperature. You can also take an ear measurement, just remove the cap, insert it into your ear, press measure and there is your temperature.

The thermometer informs you if your temperature is in the normal range or not, as you can see in the instructions, there are three indicator colors, green is normal, yellow is elevated and red is high fever. Mine showed up in green, so it is normal.

The ReliefCare Mutlifunction Duel Mode Thermometer is one health must-have item to have in your home. 

It is available here:

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